Days 10 – 16 of 29 Gifts in 29 Days

I haven’t posted about my giving lately. I’ve even been posting irregularly on the 29 Gifts website. I’m still giving, but my “gives” aren’t anything out of the ordinary, so they haven’t felt blog-worthy. That is not what I signed up for though. I signed up to do the giving and to tell about it. Now, I must admit that I don’t like the telling part much. I prefer to do my giving and keep it private. In the next rounds of giving, I plan to do just that.

During these days, I’ve donated to the East Texas Food Bank, bought my sister-in-law a salad, set up my hubby’s coffee pot for the next days and worked several days on cleaning and de-cluttering projects around the house.

Some good things have come to me during this time also. I got to have great phone visits with my momma, my friends Beth and Catherine. I got to visit in person with many wonderful female friends who I had not seen in 4 months or so and seeing my sister-in-law is always a gift. And I did not have to go in for jury duty yesterday. All cases were handled in some way that ended up not needing court and jurors. Yippee!

It’s easy for me to pick places to donate money to. The hard part is figuring out how to give without spending money or without it costing more than a dollar or two. That is going to be one of my challenges in a coming round of gives.

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2 Responses to Days 10 – 16 of 29 Gifts in 29 Days

  1. Do the gifts have to be to people you know? For Christmas and Halloween I take the kids to a nursing home and let them "visit" with the residents. They are so grateful for visitors, so I would say your time would be a great gift to give!

  2. Sharon says:

    Don't need to know the people you give the gifts to. Visiting a nursing home would be excellent! Thanks for the idea!

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