

I like the way that date looks written up there in the title box.  It’s all fresh and fanciful!  Full of wonder and newness.  Full of the unexpected, the “yet to come”.  Unfortunately, I didn’t actually complete this post on that date, but I did indeed start it then. 

No matter what the old year has done to me, I always feel hopeful on New Year’s Day!  A full new year is spread out before each of us to do as we please with.   
I’ll have to admit that I did not spend the day as I had originally planned.  I slept late.  Really late.  I sorted laundry to wash tomorrow.  Then I found my “Artist’s Way” book.  I plan to work though it in the coming weeks.  I put a few things away from my Oklahoma trip.  That was about as orderly as I got today.  Then I watched a lot of TV, including a show or two on the new OWN network. 
I finally came down the stairs around 11 PM to get on the computer.  I checked out Moments of Perfect Clarity before I even started to write here.  She mentioned her 365 photo challenge that she participated in last year.  I had tried to do that myself in the past.  The year before, I believe.  Suddenly, I realized that it was perfect for me this year!  Photography has been a big part of my life this year and I’m even selling postcards made from my photos.  I need to take more photos, that’s for sure.  So, I grabbed my camera and took this shot of Barkley before the stroke of midnight.  I tried to get him and Katie together, but that was impossible.  Maybe I can get her in the coming weeks and months. 
Happy New Year  to you all!  Much love and happiness to you.  I hope to see you here often.
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3 Responses to 1/1/11

  1. Anyes says:

    Happy New Year to you too, Sharon 🙂

  2. charlane says:

    happy new year – good luck with the 365!!! i know it is a very big challenge

  3. pamq says:

    Oh, man.

    I never even noticed the 1/1/11 thing…..

    That is how very with it I am.

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