What is This Blooming Thing?


As I was coming out of the Post Office today, I noticed this shock of bright pink across the street at the bank that’s for sale.  I had to go see what kind of plant it was.  The trouble is that even after looking at it, I’m still not positive.  I thought it may be some kind of honeysuckle, but it seems early for honeysuckle to be blooming and the branches are more bush or tree like than a vine.  The leaves and branches remind me of crepe myrtle, but the blooms certainly aren’t crepe myrtle like.  Maybe a cousin?  I think I’ll send a copy of it to my friend Beth and see if she can identify it for me.  She’s a master gardener and she used to live in Texas.  If I find out, I’ll let you all know.

Thanks to Charlane, here is the answer to what this blooming thing is:  ‘Purple Majesty’ Chinese Fringe Tree.  There is a link to it in the comments. 

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2 Responses to What is This Blooming Thing?

  1. charlane says:

    it is a chinese fringe shrub – Loropetalum chinensis var. rubrum


    I have them in my front yard

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