I’m Sorry, but….

I am a woman who believes in the printed word — on paper.  Holding a book while I read, is one of my great joys in life.  I love the feel of the paper.  I even love the smell of it.  I like to see the print chosen, the art on the front cover and the photo on the back flap.  There is almost nothing I don’t like about a book.  Even with the rising costs, it is still a better entertainment value than going to a movie. 

Which brings me to my apology.  I’m sorry folks, but I have caved and downloaded a free kindle app (or reader?) to my laptop.  I still intend to purchase more in-the-page books than ebooks, but baby these things come in dang handy at times!   When I drive up to Oklahoma to visit the grandkids, I always have a car load of stuff to haul with me.  I usually take several magazines and books each time.  Sometimes I don’t have time to even touch them to read, but I’ve definitely touched them to haul them around.  They’re heavy and bulky.  Normally, not a problem, but when I’m on the road, it can be.  They take up room that could be used to haul something else, after all. 

I’ll have to admit that there was one deciding factor that tipped the scales in favor of my getting the kindle app today.  One of my favorite authors, Janet Evanovich has a new book coming out on the 21st of this month.  The stores will not be open late so that I can get the book as soon as midnight strikes, as they would if the book were a Harry Potter.  There will be no release parties, although if there were, I would be there getting my book at that time.  I’d get my in-pages book right then, but I won’t be able to get to the store for several days after it’s released.  I already know this.  So, this app will let me download it at midnight on the date of release.  Not something I’ll do for every book, but I’m looking forward to doing it this time.

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1 Response to I’m Sorry, but….

  1. Chris says:

    It does my heart good to know there’s another person out there who still wants to read the “printed” word! While I realize a lot of trees go into the making of books and magazines, there is just something about a book. I couldn’t agree with you more on what makes a book so wonderful. I also see your point of view on traveling with books and magazines. I do the same and have been agonizing over whether to get a Kindle or not. My brain and heart feels as if I’ll betray the forms I’ve known since I can remember and I don’t want to leave them behind or be forced into using technology I really want no parts of. I knew there was yet another reason I liked you — Janet Evanovich!!! Isn’t she the best!!! She can’t write her novels fast enough for me. Thanks for yet another great post.

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